
Blog » 2007 » June

Limerick on Importance of Planning:-

Generally, Americans spend 20% of job-time in planning,
while Japanese reverse such counts as (20%) time in doing!
(Japanese invest actually a conscious 80% time planning)
Indians assume, same time (when computed),also attributed to planning ,
Little wonder (in %age wise,) its’ same like an American in Japanese clothing?

( Does it mean that the total Task Timef or Indian Labour is 400 % :-( )
Actual data for Steel productivity is lowest in India @ 38 manhours/ ton Vis-a-vis 38 manhours/ ton of Steel production by Italians ( the two ends of the graph for about 50 countries)
© 2007, Priyavrat Thareja


Abraham Lincoln reportedly said that, given eight hours to chop down a tree, he’d spend six sharpening his axe.

– TidBITS 654, quoted by Derek K. Miller, via Art Evans


You must be the change
You wish to see in the world

– M.K.Gandhi


It is not enough to do your best: you must know what to do, and THEN do your best.

– W. Edwards Deming


Experiment escorts us last,
His pungent company
Will not allow an axiom
An opportunity.

– Emily Dickinson

A problem not owned equals a problem not solved


Author’s published Quote
Management System Awareness

- Posted on June 4th, 2007 in Pages, Quotations | 1,900 Views | Comments (0)