
Blog » Pages, Technical, Education, Publications » Instructions / Check List for Research paper submission

Note: The objective is to make it publishable, and Submit suitably.
The editorial processes subject your paper to a software, which scan for all lines copied from Internet, check all references. One Mistake…. May create a doubt that it is copied  . That is the end of journey.

1. Give max references. You can copy even paragraphs… if they are needed. Put them in “Quotes” and give the reference.

2. You must be Parha-Likha. This “well read” is measured by…. How many references do you quote ;-) at the end.
No of References: 15 ? Eh? Have you read well?

References include all those who worked on this topic from various angles. (“Your Topic: smoking in Chandigarh” . Did some body work on Liquor in Chandigarh, or Drugs? Or Smoking in India, or in any cosmopolitan city of world? AGAIN; method which you used: did someone use this method for something else? Or Similar Hypotheses? Or…Pan with Tobacco /Zarda; Or…..)

3. What is the output?
Not Known?
Contrary to general expectation?
Something creative?
Extrapolated ? or Model is made?
Is the output going to be useful? To you; synergic with your (forthcoming) field/ employer? Go ahead, complete it.

The Output must Interest the Journal. E.g.:
”Papers describe work on methods, tools or techniques for learning or instruction in engineering education, which have been successful in practice and/or interesting to a wider audience and which are motivated by the pedagogical needs of teaching engineering. The papers should present interesting or new ideas and argue their pros and cons in practical education.”

4. Higher the standard of referenced work, higher is the expected level of your work.
5. Anything which has been published give a reference. Referencing increases the value. Not assigning a reference decreases it.


6. Include how was data collected? How many sent? How many received back? Include whatever faced ‘a Kahani’, Include problems, include Biases, …all sampling. Show that you are Parha-Likha (well read).

Kahani Like : How the people were interviewed? How did you code the result? Include salient parts of Questionaire if you deem fit. How did people respond.

7. Find the likely Journal…. (Your Customer) Format according to their requirements:
Like: Columns, headings are/ are not numbered, References ( Author, (year) Title in Quotes, Book name or Journal (somethings italicized?) Vol, No, pages (pp) city, Publisher in case of book. How the references are shown / tagged in the Text?

8. Include your Biographical Information, and a photograph if the Journal requires it: (mostly they do) Like:

Priyavrat Thareja teaches in the department of Metallurgical Engineering at Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. His interest areas are Foundry technology, Design, Manufacturing, Design of Experiments and Total Quality Management. He is a certified lead auditor and Tutor in Quality and Environment Management Systems (QMS) and (EMS). He is a Fellow of Quality Society of Australasia, , Institution of Engineers (India) and is a chartered engineer. He is also Senior Member of American Society of Quality, and of National Center of Quality Management (India), Ex chair of Northern Region of the Institute of Indian Foundrymen etc. His research areas are motivated by Energy conservation, and Environment upgradation and believes in Innovations and Technology, where he is consulted by industry. A voracious writer and an innovator of technical poems, he can be contacted at and reached at

9. Local requirements, and all those ‘techi’s’ we discussed in the class.

( Prof P Thareja)

- Posted on May 7th, 2008 in Pages, Technical, Education, Publications | 2,127 Views |

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