
Blog » Pages, Quality, Teaching Page, Poems » The power of Poetry

When things become complex the process of comprehending them demands more labour. One of the avenues to simplification of strong text is make it more illustrative. Poetry makes this possible. It also facilites enhancing the meaning of documented words and increases the domain the verse normally encompasses.

The endeavour is to compile different poems I have written relating to management.

Shira Wolosky says that “Poetry is language that always means more.” Her book The Art of Poetry: How to Read a Poem (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 3, ). She writes:
“Poetry is, then, learning the functions of each word within its specific placement in the poem: why each particular word is put into each particular position. Why that word? What is it doing there? How does it fit into the poem, and into what the poem is doing? In poetry there are multiple reasons for choosing and placing words. There is not one single pattern in a poem, but rather a multiplicity of patterns, all of which ideally interlock in wider and larger designs. There are in fact many designs on many levels, where each meaningful word and element points to the next one, in an endless process of imaginative possibility. These intricate patternings of poetry are what generate the essential nature of poetry: its intense figurative power, to always point beyond one meaning or possibility to further ones. This book will identify and explore these figural possibilities and their patterns. It will work from smaller to larger units of organization until the poem stands complete, a building you can enter (and note: stanza means “room” in Italian) and understand in terms of the architecture of its diverse parts, as each contributes to the whole.”

Priyavrat Thareja

Principally what Poetry can do: Consider the following example;
Why be a teacher?

If you believe it is important to help children and young men and women
acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions
essential to productive and satisfying lives,
then consider being a teacher.

If you burst with passion for your subject
and want to share that passion with others,
then consider being a teacher.

If you are committed to your own lifelong learning,
to an ongoing study of the art and science of your craft,
then consider being a teacher.

If you appreciate a calling in which each year
offers a fresh start, new beginnings,
and the opportunity to impact lives in a positive way,
then consider being a teacher.

If you truly enjoy kids, if you are able to see the best in each of them,
if you are willing to persist
when confronted by their recalcitrance or indifference,
then consider being a teacher.

If you believe that an educated citizenry is critical to the well being of the nation,
then consider being a teacher.

If you feel joy in seeing students learn to believe in themselves
because you helped them achieve what they felt was beyond their grasp,
then consider being a teacher.

If, like Henry Adams, you understand that, as a teacher,
you can affect eternity
because it is impossible to tell where your influence stops,
then consider being a teacher.

If you recognize that giving of yourself to others and developing others
can be one of the most significant and fulfilling ways
in which to live your life,
then consider being a teacher.

By Rick DuFour

Journal of Staff Development, Summer 2000 (Vol. 21, No. 3)
Copyrighted, National Staff Development Council, 2000. All rights reserved
About the author
Rick DuFour is superintendent of Adlai Stevenson High School Lincolnshire,

- Posted on July 10th, 2008 in Pages, Quality, Teaching Page, Poems | 2,343 Views |

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