
Blog » 2009 » November

Dr Eilliam Edward Deming ( 1900?- 1993 ) was a Quality Guru par excellence. After him the highest Quality Award “Deming Application Prize) was instituted by Japan.

I have written a series of 10 articles about the teachings, and the culture on good values this Quality Guru has inculcated, published in Quality World. The series is titled as “D(R)E(A)MING FOR A QUALITY WORLD”.
The abstract of 4th (actually 10th) part is appended below. 2nd part was dedicated to Dr Deming’s 14 points, which were elaborated in 6 odd articles all published in Quality World.
You shall be able to download the part 4 titled as Let Each Child be Titled DEMING

download “Let Each Child be Titled DEMING”

If involvement in Quality may be total,

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- Posted on November 9th, 2009 in Pages, Quality, Personal Development, Education, Management | 1,600 Views | Comments (0)

Combat H1N1 - the Swine Flue Virus.Personal Development

Cold & Flu Survival Toolkit to Combat H1N1 - the Swine Flue Virus
The Menace of second wave of Swine Flue, caused by Virus H1N1 is being forecast.

To recall this is more deadly, in a way then AIDS, caused by HIV virus, because you can not stop a neighbour from sneezing ( though one should etiquettes wise use a handerkerchief to abate that blow of mucus.

How the first wave has been deadly was talked about in the previous pages .

The answer however is in the main ‘precaution’- To was your hands as frequently as you can, and not by a soap rich in germicidals ( like *tol), but by ordinary soaps.

A better answer is in Yoga- keeping healthy- the Indian way.

I quote here a worthy prevention- story from ‘PureNaturalDiva‘ titled Cold & Flu Survival Toolkit - Remedies From My Home To Yours

Cold & Flu Survival Toolkit - Remedies From My Home To Yours
Author: PureNaturalDiva / Published: November 06, 2009 at 8:04 pm


Every mom has it, a cold and flu survival kit.

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- Posted on November 9th, 2009 in Personal Development, Education, Health, Management | 3,640 Views | Comments (0)

The Quality Brilliance Thru’ Brilliant People

Excellence is what excellence does.
If one is exuberant about improving excellence, then, let excellence be designed into one’s basics (cultural part), to build excellence into the operational hierarchy, and finally to integrate excellence into the ‘exuberance’ as a paradigm.

Follows the abstract of - Thareja, Mannu and Thareja, Priyavrat, The Quality Brilliance Thru’ Brilliant People (November 2, 2009). Quality World, Vol. 4, No. 2, February 2007
If this interests you read more. If you wish to download the paper. Click the link.

Invariably, the Quality of output is directly dependent upon that of the participating constituents,

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- Posted on November 8th, 2009 in Pages, Quality, Education, Publications | 2,207 Views | Comments (0)

SHEQing the Potential Holistically for Power

Yes, India is very poorly managed at many places. One such case was targeted for analysis through this paper. That is regarding the (electrical) power production through Thermal Power plants, based on coal, transported over long distances into disparate states. While plethora of ash transported along the road (rail) leads to Fuel misuse, the ash dumping has proved to be excessively harmful and carcinogenic.

The solution was simple. Remove the cause, and the effects are automatically taken care.
Discover the potential for judicious energy management. If it is not easy ’shake it’. SHEQing is a termed coined by the author of this paper/ blog ( in 1997).

If this interests you read more. If you wish to download the paper. The link is given

The extension of Power is multifold, but the sustainability aspect is assessed only by its conformance to SHEQ-PC. It is because power developed, transmitted and used must be Safety,

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- Posted on November 7th, 2009 in Pages, Technical, Engineering, Management, Publications | 1,425 Views | Comments (0)