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- Posted on May 7th, 2008 in Pages, Technical, Education, Publications | 2,126 Views | Comments (0)

‘Freeze’ the metal to desired shape is not the only wonder, a process called die casting promisies to the manufacturing engineers. The process has to ability to produce sound Quality plus hi-fidelity surface reproduction, thanks to a rigid shape the die metal is capable of mettling.

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- Posted on February 11th, 2008 in Pages, Foundry, Education, Free Stuff | 3,526 Views | Comments (0)

Our (Indian) Higher Education is in crisis.

Do we agree?

British Aerospace recently threatened to establish its own university in the UK because it couldn’r find enough engineering graduates who were up to its standards.

So are coments from Infosys and many others…

Economic growth has increased the returns to education dramatically enough to set off a mad scramble to acquire education. Even the poorest rural households have internalized the imperative of acquiring education to survive in the new knowledge-based economy.
What the public doesn’t understand is that colleges help society as a whole, and that more people benefit than the graduates themselves.

Oh! where is the crisis?
href=””>“The public doesn’t see higher education in crisis., Some of us may see that, but the public isn’t convinced of that, and even if they were, the public isn’t ready to take on yet one more crisis,” with Iraq and other issues already center stage, Ikenberry said. “The public may well be in crisis overload.”

But getting this education is, unfortunately, not always easy.
Public education is supposedly universally available but it is largely dysfunctional—teachers often don’t turn up to class, and when they do, they impart little of value to students.

Who else is in crisis?
Ethiopian Higher Education in Crisis1
Education in Malysia: Higher Education in Crisis , Even Education in Australia: Declining Quality? at this blog

American higher education in crisis and if so, what kind? What should we, as its leaders and representatives, be doing about it? …

Are we still loosing base?
Can the teachers do something?
Does the onus lie on Society?
Are students themselves partly responsible?

What can we do to abate/ rectify?

- Posted on December 8th, 2007 in Pages, General, Education | 5,648 Views | Comments (0)

Defining a ‘world class’…. has been a crazy idea.

A simple business Definition is:
Goods, services, and processes that are ranked by customers and industry-experts to be among the best of the best. This designation denotes standard-setting excellence in terms of design, performance, quality, and customer satisfaction and value when compared with all similar items from anywhere in the world.
better still:
• A general term for a high level of competitive performance as defined by benchmarking and use of best practices.
) _
• organizations that are recognized as the best for at least one critical business process and are held as models for other organizations.

A definition is elusive, but c*.* still strive for it

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- Posted on November 29th, 2007 in Pages, General, Education, Management | 2,330 Views | Comments (0)

The International Quality Guru ( Why only American?) taught that by adopting appropriate principles of management, organizations can increase Quality and simultaneously reduce costs.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming gave 14 points (12 of which were used to Build Japan, as we know her today. The last 2 points were added to plug the gap of “right Chemistry” Americans or the world lacked.)
Here is a small Quiz on Dr. Deming ( in lighter vain):

1.When was Dr. Deming born?
14th Oct 1900
9th Nov 2002
2. Which of the following Does not belong to Dr Deming:
a) The system of profound knowledge
b) The theory of knowledge

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- Posted on July 6th, 2007 in Quality, Education | 4,119 Views | Comments (1)