
Blog » Foundry

Source : Thareja Priyavrat FOUNDRY July Aug. 2009 “The Instruments of Excellence for Foundrymen” July Aug. 2009

Examining the business case for developing a PE culture reveals many documented benefits which can be categorised broadly as improved productivity, top and bottom line growth and the organisation’s evolution from function-centered thinking to process-centered action.
The Options to Emulate Focusing on experiences in developing a PE culture

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- Posted on June 19th, 2009 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Foundry, Engineering, Management | 1,977 Views | Comments (0)

Is Each one Capable? ( PART XVI of my TQOP series )

Probably Not! Probably Yes!

Capability is the inherent or achieved ability to accomplish a task. To be capable - at the time of need - is an attribute the whole world looks for.

Capability of past and /or of future brings in no accolades. For there is an adage- A friend in need is friend indeed. Substitute ‘Friend’ with ‘Capability’ to read the implied. At the time of need- but it needs a strategic preparation for the distant opportunity:

Part 16 of my series on Each one is Capable of “A Total Quality Organisation Thru’ People” is available in electronic-form on the world wide web: Part 16- Each one is Capable is about:


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- Posted on November 3rd, 2008 in Technical, Foundry, Education, Engineering, Management, Publications | 6,896 Views | Comments (1)

‘Freeze’ the metal to desired shape is not the only wonder, a process called die casting promisies to the manufacturing engineers. The process has to ability to produce sound Quality plus hi-fidelity surface reproduction, thanks to a rigid shape the die metal is capable of mettling.

If you wanna download a descriptive free e book, on Fundamentals of Die Casting written by Dr G Bar-Meir press the link and enoy:

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3. universal_design.rar
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- Posted on February 11th, 2008 in Pages, Foundry, Education, Free Stuff | 3,459 Views | Comments (0)

People are an essential component of constituents impacting the Quality of an organisation. People, like any other asset need to be groomed, possessed, professed with improvement impetus, influenced and motivated continually for yearning out best of the best performances. The task of their continual upgradation, at the behest of top management is thus buth strategic (to align with Change requirements) and tactical (to make best use of resources, problem solving abilities, learnings etc).

This series is being published in FOUNDRY
typical references:

“Thareja P, (2006), ‘A Total Quality Organisation Through People: (Part 4), Building a World Class Foundry, Foundry, July/Aug, Vol XVIII, No 4 :37-43″

“Thareja P, (2008), ‘A Total Quality Organisation Through People: (Part 13), Competent Intrapreneurship, Jan/Feb, Vol XX, No 1 :xx-xx″ (Communicated)

- Posted on December 10th, 2007 in Foundry, Management | 3,115 Views | Comments (0)

index of other issues/parts

The People must always work in a team is constantly reiterated. However until each link of the chain is strong enough, prosperity in the system can not be achieved to its fullest designed state. Unfortunately all People are not trained to perform to their highest efficiency

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- Posted on December 8th, 2007 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Foundry, Engineering, Publications | 37,017 Views | Comments (0)