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our new paper …. Modelling of barriers pertaining to implementation of green supply chain management using ISM approach
by Er Neeraj Lamba and Dr Priyavrat Thareja, published in Materials Today: Proceedings is available for download: ……
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- Posted on November 2nd, 2020 in Pages, Education, Engineering, Management, Publications, Environment | 846 Views | Comments (0)

Tansformation.Personal Development

“The ‘Journey of quality’ speaks of the paradigm of ‘a process approach’ of good inputs to a high success”.
Hence ““Every action that you take - that your disorder tells you to take - is self-harming in the short and long term.”

Every “transformation begins with the individual” (Dr William Edwards Deming),
“He who should perceive a ‘minute’ full of perfection must work himself up to address the minutest imperfections.”
Because when “Transformation as a psycho emotional phenomenon functions as a loop”.
It implies in technical sense (also as in case of manufacturing) “ ‘involving into an iterative process of simplifying the ‘complexity’, and then transforming this ’simplicity into newer complexity’ while integrating the unsolved domain for an unprecedented success.”

Because ” Higher the cutting edge clarity, higher is the productivity.” if it is the destination.

infact Productivity may not be the destination, though it is preceded by Quality. The journey itself flows through a SHEQ_PDCM paradigm (A paradigm, I gradually developed beginning 1986 ) when I first realised that Safety is ‘really’ first and foremost. This is followed by Health, and Environmnent; and Quality, Productivity, Delivery, Cost, and Morale.)

Enjoy The journey of SHEQ-PDCM. God loves seeing you practicing it.
“The way to God is not vertically up. Never down. It is horizontal. [Culturally] Love [for people] lights up much of the path.”

More ; (by various authors) at ), and Mine The link is: Mine

- Posted on May 12th, 2017 in Personal Development, Education, Engineering, Management | 2,009 Views | Comments (0)

learning from everything is the attribute of an observant and inquiring mind.

The inquiring mind is however not tuned to finding solutions - and is restricted by time or opportunities, until the success in terms of observation is served in a platter.

To my inquiring mind has been the persistent question: As to who this ant is: the white ant.. Termite or the red ant.
Probably it is red ant… as shows the picture sketched by Ndubuisi Ekekwe thoughts, or the illustration on HBR site. I believe the white ant is much better networked.

The technology has it that the ANTs has given to the premise of ANT theory.
“Actor–network theory (ANT) is an approach to social theory and a research methodology, originating in the field of science studies, which is based on two key principles; putting all the factors involved in a social situation on the same level and doing away with the concept of social forces.”

Attribues of ANT’s formation as visualised by Ndubuisi Ekekwe: Openness, Trust, Partnering, TEAMS, being focussed, diligence and Re-organisation are paradigms the society already is aware of. It is probably the discipline which was not observed…. and this is unbecoming in ANTS, but never less than a leader question for common man?


Prof P Thareja

The Leadership Lessons of Ants
by Ndubuisi Ekekwe

Few years back, I planned to build a networked digital library where theses from African universities could be stored. I wanted

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- Posted on April 2nd, 2017 in Pages, Personal Development, Education, Management | 1,335 Views | Comments (0)

Give me more! Show me the way!
Making life less sore! And products that allure!
To improve the Quality of Life, you eventually say!

“To improve Quality of Life” is easier said than done,

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- Posted on February 21st, 2016 in Pages, Personal Development, Technical, General, Management, Poems | 1,531 Views | Comments (0)

Course File of Quality Control and Competence
Credits 4-0-0

Quality Control and Competence’ is a course work which must indeed cater to the Total Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Quality Management (QM) requirements of the Industry so as to ensure industrial competence. Competence is an advanced stage of competitiveness, and only reduction of COPQ, 7 big losses, etc can act as industrial saviour. Systemic deployment of Quality management can help control PONC in the society.

Since the supplier must compensate for the losses suffered by the customer, the onus of supplier (business/ Industry) to ensure own sustainability is self explanatory. In the event of maintaining Quality supremacy the paradigm of “Quality is Free” gets endorsed, while Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ) gets abated. Failing which the Price one has to pay for Non-Conformance (PONC) can be expected to exceed one’s reach .

Quality is life. Quality is availability for use. It is time. It depends upon Maintenace and repairability. HowReliability is associated need be understood.

The course work is expected to be taught using teacher’s commitment, experience and knowledge, and attitude to inculcate the same feeling of breakthrough improvement in one’s concept of controlling, monitoring and facilitation Quality of products, processes or both, in line with teachings of Guru’s of Quality, Deming, Juran and so on…with the objective to inculcate Quality through designing, controlling ( By using Statistical Quality Control (SQC) and Statistical Process Control(SPC) ) and improving knowledge of Quality Systems ( Say QMS, QFD ( Quality Function Deployment) and devise practice of applying Quality Tools ( Quality circles) to ensure Quality compliance. Principles of Quality Management and Total Quality Management, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing Like Lean Manufacturing, JIT, Concurrent Manufacturing, Cellular Manufacturing, use of Taguchi’s concepts in Quality Management and so on

The impetus for formulating a Quality Control and Competence course, was drawn from my personal realization for the needs of inculcating spirit of saving energy, need for environmental preservation, and resource conservation. The students should feel motivated to understand the relevance of these attributes as societal requirements of today and thus effect the paradigms of Zero defect, Kaizen, and Poka Yoke to make cheaper, fuctionally efficient, Potent and competent components.

The students are advised to further their interests in order to meet the requirements in view of job opportunities available for Quality aware engineers and in view of popularity of use of Quality control and standardisation in automobile industry, aerospace, electronics,. telecommunication, etc Introduction to ISO Standards viz ISO 9001:2000, TS 16949, TL 9000, AS 9000 ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18000 etc can be introduced if required .

Objectives are to:

i) Give a critical view of Quality Technology, processes, philososphiest etc and understand features/ parameters for efficient operations

ii) Inculcate the concept of Quality Attitude and systemic understanding and Improve problem solving skills.

iii) Interrelating conventional Metallurgy knowledge with that of Quality Technology for product/ process design learning/ course

iv) Develop confidence of causing Improvements

Program Outcomes
Statements that describe what students are expected to know and are able to demonstrate at the end of course. They can be:

Knowledge of subject matter,
Abilities and skills, or
Attitudes and personal traits

The students should be regular and involved in the class. Mere physical presence, mandatory to the extent of 80 % is not a scapegoat for course completion. There are generaly no defined tutorials, as more interactive teaching in the class includes some inputs earmarked for a tutorial class.

The students will earmark a note book and /or a register for the course. At any time the teacher may inspect their class notes to evaluate the seniority. The students should bring in their calculator in the class room, so as to involve in design development.


The assessment is an important requisite. Needless to say, it will be transparent and impartial. The assessment criteria and Distribution of Marks will be:

Quiz + Surprise Tests 05 + 05

Home Assignments 10

Project 10

I mid sem exam 30

II mid sem exam 30

Seminar on mutually discussed topic 10

to improve communication skills Total 100

Total No. of Assignments 05

Total No. of Quizes 05

There will be a total of 5 Assignments .

The students are desired to complete assignments and submit the solutions in a soft/ hard copy. The acknowledgement in soft copy /or hard copy should be sought, and confirmation will be made by sharing observations, areas of improvement or constructive criticism.

Program Outcomes
Statements that describe what students are expected to know and are able to demonstrate at the end of course. They can be:

Knowledge of subject matter,
Abilities and skills, or
Attitudes and personal traits
Instructor : Prof P Thareja

Mobile 9815396006 Office Met Engg Deptt.

Compter Aided Met Engg Design Lab.

Proposed home Page:

I have authored several poems on the subject
When I was on Auditing Spree ( On ISO 9001:2000 standard)
Essence of Quality ( Definitions of Quality) Coimpetitive Quality
Quality People
Team Effort
Core Tools ( TS 16949 standard) 5-S
Some of these poems are published in Journals/ Magazines
Are probably reproduced at
Lecture Notes planned to be found at academia

Discussion group;

E mail :

Venue & Timings : T-13

As per time table

Tutorial Day and Timings: As per time table

Office Hours : Do not hesitate to meet in case of difficulty regarding the course

- Posted on November 20th, 2015 in Pages, Quality, Teaching Page, Education, Management | 1,549 Views | Comments (0)