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A Total Quality Organization Thro’ People
(Part 11) Insulate the People from Quantity
index of other issues/parts

The complex of Quality and the challenge of quantities have always been an exercise bothering People (including managements). The race (in business process) to meet pressing delivery schedules, and ever increasing quantities, has always threatened ‘Quality’, to the extent of causing a vicious circle. Through this paper

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- Posted on November 6th, 2007 in Pages, Foundry, Management, Publications | 1,601 Views | Comments (0)

Total Quality Organization Through People

(Part 8 : Excellent People and the People)index of other issues/parts
‘People’ are an important and inevitable input into every process even if it were a fully automated one. Though people have been around to contribute towards design and development or a higher level supervision of the processes, yet the processes have invariably suffered at the hands of either Qualitative negligencies and/or techno-emotional incompetencies. Because the fields of design and development are complex and required a careful planning and conduct, the lack of matching excellence has been felt in Foundry industry too. Further, higher is the level of supervision, more are the requisites regarding their Competency and/or Quality attributes. ‘From whom and how such attributesare resourced’ is one of the most common challenges all the organizations face. Competent people have always been in short supply. But never again, if such talents were effectively deployed in enviable positions, especially when such people have the wherewithal to clone and/or synthesize with the environment to make that special impact. So in order to let the impacts of aggregate of common and special people be experienced in larger magnitudes, than what is expected out of the simple sum of all individuals considered in that aggregate, a strategic alignment of Excellent People and the People is called for.This paper is an attempt to explore the role the excellent people may demonstrate in common environments, andwhy should the environment or the people be influenced towards freedom from defects or for excellence.

Key Words: Organisational Development, Quality Teams, Radiating Excellence, Mediocrity, Culture and Competence

- Posted on November 6th, 2007 in Foundry, Publications | 1,506 Views | Comments (0)

(Part 10 : Leading Foundries from the Bottom)
A Total Quality Organization Thro’ People
(Part 10 : Leading Foundries from the Bottom)

The Challenge for sustenance of our foundries to withstand current and impending global competition is grave. The author exhorted foundrymen to wiki-wiki as early as five years (at Golden Jubilee celebrations of IIF: wiki-wiki Foundrymen: ‘the time is short’), but the growth of people has been rather slower than envisaged. It is time to energise the people/ Foundrymen once again, so that the people are steamed up with recovery. Development of People is like fuelling a perpetual engine. If it starts working with right zest than no derogatory impetus will lower its acceleration, not to think stopping it. After all, the key to renaissance for our Foundries is through People. Their
upgradation through improvement of Hearts, and the duty to strengthen and motivate the Heart lies in the Head. The Head, in turn, empowers the Hand to turn the perpetual engine on…….
Key Words : Change, New Style of Leadership, Transforming Operators / Foundrymen, Exemplary Leadership:
Published in FOUNDRY A journal of Progressive metal Casters, Issue JULY/AUGUST, 2007

The Author and the Article
Prof. P. Thareja is a highly innovative and creative technocrat. Elite FOUNDRY readers have been enjoying in previous issues first 9 parts of this article series titled “Total Quality Organization Through People”.
Part No. Focus Subject
1. Quality Depends on Your People
2. Roles and Responsibilities of People
3. Effecting Breakthrough Improvements
4. Building-up a World Class Foundry
5. People as Change Agents
6. Innovation Competencies
7. Strategic Alignment
8. Excellent People and the People
9. Team-up to Total Transformation
{ added /updated later……………………………………..

(Part 11) Insulate the People from Quantity
12. Caught in Fuzziness of Output and Perfection

The Quality of output is, invariably, directly dependent upon that of the participating constituents, some of which are sustainably and effectively controlled, and others which are as complex as a possible interaction between the Head and Heart of people. So, while ‘People’ remain a critical and yet inevitable input in even a fully automated process, yet they are as ubiquitous in control as TQM (Total Quality Management) could be.

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- Posted on March 30th, 2007 in Publications | 5,705 Views | Comments (5)

Quality Quotation Quality is Implicit. By the end of First decade of 21st century, Quality should become a way of life. It will be an important discipline for students to study, for industries to invest, and for workers practice and excel.

Published in Quotable Quotes page,
Management Systems Awareness, Issue 6
NCQM (National Centre of Quality management, Ajmer),
Excerpted from article in ‘Quality World’, Sept 2006

Also look for posts of Shabana Azmi, Bollywood actress, Girdhar J Gyani (Quality Council of India, QCI etc), John E (Jack) West (Quality Digest etc in same jpg pic.

- Posted on February 12th, 2007 in Pages, Quality, Technical, General, Management, Publications | 4,588 Views | Comments (1)