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MET 802: Powder Metallurgy
Credits 4-0-0

The course ‘Powder Metallurgy’ is an advanced course in the family of the Manufacturing Technology. The course work will be taught with the objective to inculcate the concept of controlling and manipulating properties of Particulate materials, so as to produce components which were not producible by methods hitherto studied by you students.
The impetus for formulating a Powder Metallurgy course, is drawn from the high requirement of saving of energy, need for environmental preservation, and resource conservation. The students should feel motivated to understand the relevance of scientific principles/ Physics and chemistry of particulate systems and thus use the understanding to develop solid, near net or net, or dense components. Apart from solid components the situations where porous components could be deployed also need to be appreciated.

The result is a complete but new family of alloys of powder systems which go a long way in meeting specialized but both sophisticated and in-sophisticated (simple) requirements of manufactured components by our Society.

The basic purpose of this course is to teach technology, processes and design principles in Powder making, Compaction and Sintering and schemes of alloy modeling, use of alloy design, Compaction Die designs, Sintering furnace designs, component designs, powder-system designs, and use of paradigms like dispersion strengthened materials, etc.

The students are advised to further their interests in order to meet the requirements in view of job opportunities available for P/M aware engineers and in view of popularity of use of P/M in automobile industry, electronics, sintered carbides/ tools, .etc industries

Objectives are to:

i) Give a critical view of Powder Metallurgy Technology, processes, Equipment etc and understand design features/ parameters for efficient operations

ii) Inculcate the concept of Material consolidation and system convergence of Particulate materials.

iii) Analysis of problems in Particulate Materials and Improve problem solving skills.

iv) Interrelating conventional Metallurgy knowledge with that of Particulate Materials for product/ process design learning/ course

v) Develop design confidence

Program Outcomes
Statements that describe what students are expected to know and are able to demonstrate at the end of course. They can be:

Knowledge of subject matter,
Abilities and skills, or
Attitudes and personal traits

The students should be regular and involved in the class. Mere physical presence, mandatory to the extent of 80 % is not a scapegoat for course completion. There are generaly no defined tutorials, as more interactive teaching in the class includes some inputs earmarked for a tutorial class.

The students will earmark a note book and /or a register for the course. At any time the teacher may inspect their class notes to evaluate the seniority. The students should bring in their calculator in the class room, so as to involve in design development.


The assessment is an important requisite. Needless to say, it will be transparent and impartial. The assessment criteria and Distribution of Marks will be:

Quiz + Surprise Tests 05

Home Assignments 10

Project 10

I mid sem exam 20

II mid sem exam 20

Total No. of Assignments 05

Total No. of Quizes 05

There will be a total of 5 Assignments .

The students are desired to complete assignments and submit the solutions in a soft/ hard copy. The acknowledgement in soft copy /or hard copy should be sought, and confirmation will be made by sharing observations, areas of improvement or constructive criticism.

Program Outcomes
Statements that describe what students are expected to know and are able to demonstrate at the end of course. They can be:

Knowledge of subject matter,
Abilities and skills, or
Attitudes and personal traits
Instructor : Prof P Thareja

Mobile 9815396006 Office Met Engg Deptt.

Compter Aided Met Engg Design Lab.

Proposed home Page:

Lecture Notes planned to be found at academia

Discussion group;

E mail :

Venue & Timings : T-13

As per time table

Tutorial Day and Timings: As per time table

Office Hours : Do not hesitate to meet in case of difficulty regarding the course

- Posted on October 30th, 2021 in Pages, Teaching Page, Education | 545 Views | Comments (0)

I am Fortunate to be born!
As a Human,
on this Planet earth.
But then heinous acts of notorious some,
Bring a skepticism,
to think if it was of real worth?
Or if I was not born on this planet earth?

The Precious global ‘Space’ is indeed infinite,
As it accommodates galaxies of Suns, and the stars,

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- Posted on February 23rd, 2019 in Pages, Personal Development, Technical, Teaching Page, Education, Poems, Environment | 1,700 Views | Comments (0)

A poem can do wonders!.Teaching Page

A worthy Poem is a ‘playground’, full of ideas,
Like small - big balls, bullyed in a conceptual space,
With all 26 alphabets, rearranged, at each intent;
acronym for a “Place, to Open - Emotions and Moments”,

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- Posted on April 30th, 2017 in Teaching Page, Education, Poems | 2,859 Views | Comments (0)

Prof P Thareja conducted a session on “Setting of Question Paper for Subjective Examination” in the Learning Centre, GNA University on 23rd Jan 2016 targeting it towards a realignment of assessment system with Quality of Teaching & Learning. The session was conducted around the trilogy principle of addressing (i) Learning Outcomes (LO), (ii) matching the requisites of Evaluation instrument (Quality of Question Paper) towards stipulated LO’s (iii) conducting a Test of Significance, with relevant statistical parameters to ensure the criteria are met.

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- Posted on January 24th, 2016 in Pages, Quality, Teaching Page, Education, Engineering | 1,474 Views | Comments (0)

There are two potent questions in my grey mind.

(i) Though in my 40 years of teaching no dumb (lacking the power of speech Ref: student applied for admission to engineering. If it were true, should I have had denied him/her admission?). I hope not.. on the contrary the student shall get preference- because of handicap quota.

(ii) What would have happened if I had not wasted my precious years learning German, when I was not to be exposed to advanced literature ( technical or other) right one at right time

The former question has a rider attached. because the dumb has a guised meaning too as it may… [simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something so as to make it accessible to a larger number of people.] In that case the situation is twinned to negative side.

My focus in this discussion is on the 1st problem. Some help is solicited?

Let me recall a real life example:
We had called a professional engineer (from industry) to conduct oral examination over minor projects developed by students

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- Posted on January 17th, 2016 in Pages, Personal Development, Teaching Page, Education | 2,591 Views | Comments (1)