

Title: Mapping your ways to quality and success.

Author: Bibra, P. Thareja, P. and Thareja, M.

Abstract: Today, in the age of highest competition and depleting resources, the recipe to “excel’ has been re-titled as the mandate to ‘compel’ the people to achieve what they must, at a rate which will make them bust. However, there are strategies to achieve the impress, and if some of things make that easier to ingress, then that sure will work as a magic wand. In order to achieve competency one must have following two attributes up above in one’s sleeves: i) The fair availability and deployment of tools, for quality and productivity improvement, and ii) The positive attitude to practice one’s task to fruition, assuring customer satisfaction of utmost order and also care for quality and excellence.

Quality World. May 2011. Vol.8 No.5.p.27

- Posted on March 23rd, 2012 in Pages, Quality, Technical, Management, Publications | 3,129 Views | Comments (0)

It’s a Strange Eve,
On The Valentine Day 2003
Feb 14, 2003

My knocked out Love.

I deeply adored you! Much From the core of my heart,
But that never made an ado for you to crack, sweet-heart.
Though valentine’ous threats had’me greeting with bloody spears.
Yet continued I, to love you, with no fears and nil peers.

However to breach that gap, my desire pre-empted farther,
To propose straight to you: to let me drown into you deeper,
Through your ravenous eyes, which, say, scared each intruder,
Including me, until I was overwhelmed by your beauteous slumber.

Like being hypnotized, allowed I myself to flow into your eyes,
Duly conforming to the Vortex of your desires and disguise,
Well, as you were set just to absorb me drown into you deeper,
Your devilous acts scorned you to close your eyes without fear?

Love knows no bounds, I knew now, having drained enough Sweat.
Unordained, your porcupinous thorns had that anaesthetic effects.
over my flow of emotions, which fell short of prefect,
Well that was a short end of making my love story blatant.

@ 2003 Priyavrat Thareja

- Posted on February 13th, 2012 in Pages, General, Poems | 3,114 Views | Comments (0)

Life is an Adventure - Dare it.
Life is a Beauty - Praise it.
Life is a Challenge - Meet it.
Life is a Duty - Perform it.
Life is a Love - Enjoy it.
Life is a Tragedy - Face it.
Life is a Struggle - Fight it.
Life is a Promise - Fulfill it.
Life is a Game - Play it.
Life is a Gift - Accept it.
Life is a Journey - Complete it.
Life is a Mystery - Unfold it.
Life is a Goal - Achieve it.
Life is an Opportunity - Take it.
Life is a Puzzle - Solve it.
Life is a Song - Sing it.
Life is a Sorrow - Overcome it.
Life is a Spirit - Realize it.
Life is a Blessing - make judicious use of it

- Posted on February 3rd, 2012 in Pages, Personal Development, Management | 2,786 Views | Comments (0)

Why I am a competent teacher to instruct the optional course, and is it necessary for your development?

How is Quality necessary for your development?
(a) Given my way of teaching, it is going to be applied? That is- transformative.
(b) Quality is a way of life in industry – nothing else is.
(c) You tend to fit in Yourself- in the new environment.
(d) It is not learning a subject- it is learning a system
(e) At best- You will find a new domain to have opened up in front of you- a Quality professional

Am I a competent teacher to instruct the course
A thorough submission- immersed in doing something better for society
(i) Author of a TQM Model (Thareja’s TQM model) (2007)
(ii) Member writing group: ANSI/ASQ/ISO z1.11- 2011, Education Management Standard (2009-10)
(iii) Developed a Tool COMpro (competence protocol, a prelude to Lean thinking) (1997)

(iv) Lead auditor and Tutor in QMS (ISO 9001:2008)
(v) Lead auditor and Tutor in EMS (ISO 14001:2004)
(vi) Certified Lead Auditor (ISO 19011:2002) (2002)
(vii) Passed LA course (ISO- TS 16949) (2009)
(viii) Supplier Auditor (AIAG, USA) (2009)
(ix) Lean Six sigma black Belt (2009)

Tutored several LA courses in QMS and EMS (and OSH-MS)
Arbiter of ME(TQEM) programme in PEC. (2009-10)
Judge in Preliminary Rounds of Team Excellence Awards at USA (qualified as judge for Finals) (2011)
Examiner in 7th North West Qualtech Award (2011). Large Industry category (TO > 200 Cr).
My guided capstone project stood 2nd in SME category in 7th North West Qualtech Award (2011)
Experienced in Auditing (ISO 19011:2002)
Instrumental as concept for bringing in TQM as a subject to Engineering Colleges in North India. (1996)
Part of group developed syllabi for Quality at USA (2005)

- Posted on January 15th, 2012 in Pages, Quality, Teaching Page, Education | 2,153 Views | Comments (0)

What is ‘TQM’
When the quality control expects no threats
and the Quality assurance no priority,

Read More

- Posted on October 23rd, 2011 in Pages | 2,849 Views | Comments (0)